Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How to Love...

Over the last few years, I thought I had a major problem. This problem was that I love hard. I really thought that was a bad thing. Who wants to be the one that falls hard or cares more than the other person (family, friends, and romantic)? I hated feeling like I was being taken for granted, but I could not stop caring for those in my life. I’ve been in plenty of friendships and relationships where I was the one who maintained communication and it is very draining.

Recently, I have been more diligent about studying the Bible and really taking to heart the messages at church on Sunday. But one listen of Kirk Franklin song really triggered something in my brain that made a lot of things make sense to me. On my way to work on Monday, I listened to his hit song “Love.” It finally resonated to me that loving hard is not a curse, but the true purpose of love. If I want to imitate God as Ephesians 5:1-2 says, then I have to love people regardless of how they feel about me. In “Love,” the choir sings about God showing them what it really means to love. When I heard that I realized as long as I strive to love like the Lord, then loving with all my heart and soul is the right thing to do.

I really thought about the fact that even though I do, think, and want to do wrong God still loves me and gives me another chance. Now do I need to let people who are going to use me and abuse me in or back into my life? No, but I need to be forgiving because Christ forgave me for all I have done. If I was drained through the few people that I have interacted with, I can only imagine how strong God is for loving every living person on this earth.

I want to work toward loving others like God loves us. Could you imagine giving your only son (or most important treasure) for someone else? Yea, me neither. What we can do though, is take out time to SHOW the people in our lives that we love and appreciate their presence in our life. We can also forgive those who wrong us (Psalm 6:12; the Lord’s Prayer) in love.

I really feel better about love. I felt bad about still loving and caring about various people who have been in and out of my life and now I don’t feel bad anymore. I know that God would want me to love, not hate. Like my blog post from a few weeks ago said, “Loved people, Love people,” so spread the LOVE!



“Be imitators of God, therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”—Ephesians 5:1-2 [NIV]

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Morning Revelation

I woke up this morning and I HAD to write about this. A few weeks ago, I went to an "Art and Jazz" event for the Thursday Network (the young professionals of the Greater Washington Urban League) and it featured an artist who goes by Liz. (check out her art at http://www.originalartbyliz.com/) She has a painting that says "I can do everything through HIM who gives me strength.-- Phil 4:13." I bought the painting and it lays next to my bed until I can put it on my wall. I didn't realize how profound and amazing it is to read that first thing in the morning. Sometimes I wake up still worried about situations I know God has under control and I have to remember that He gives me the strength I need to accomplish my goals.

What scripture can you use to get through your day? Its nothing better than waking up to God speaking in your life. (Even when you don't deserve it)

Well I'm off to church!



Thursday, December 1, 2011

You Can Do It!!!

Hello There!

I had to take a little bit of a break from blogging to really focus myself. I was writing a lot about getting myself together, but I really needed to wait patiently for a breakthrough to share as well. This week it happened! I am reading a book about change, and it says that you have to "direct the path" that you want to lead yourself or others into change. My goal was to read the Bible more often, but I didn't have a set time that I devoted to reading the Bible. So I told myself, I will set my alarm to 5:15am and when that alarm goes off I will use it for my devotions and when my phone goes off at 5:45, that means its time to get ready for work. 

I found that the 30 minutes of time really helped me first find additional energy in the morning, but also gave me things to think about for the remainder of the day related to what I read. My personal goal was to dedicate more time to the Lord and really start to get into his Word. I hope I can continue to wake up early and make time for God. 

During this break, I also have been able to reflect on myself personally and professionally. I am learning that to be a "Virtuous Woman" is not just to sit and be pretty, but it is really to be the glue that keeps her family together. I thought I was ready for relationships and eventually marriage, but after going through this Bible Study on the Proverbs 31 woman I know I have SOOOOOOO far to go! The great thing about getting closer to God is that he keeps you in the meantime. He puts people around you to encourage you daily. 

Today I was unsure about what I can really accomplish as little ol me, and a colleague told me that I am going to be a future COO or CEO. What strong words to say! I thought to myself, does she really see all that in me? What I have to remember is that God brings people around to speak into your life. You really have to believe and have faith that your potential is limitless and you can go to extraordinary heights with God pushing you up and forward. 

Whatever your goal is, whether its trying to set a habit of reading the Bible everyday or to be a company executive, it can happen. It is all possible. Just keep God on your side and you will be QUITE alright!

