Cuffing season has begun! Instead of trying to find that "someone" to spend Fall and Winter with, I have decided to focus on my relationship with God and let Him work on and through me. I'm Handcuffed to God; Will you join me?
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
How to Love...
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Morning Revelation
What scripture can you use to get through your day? Its nothing better than waking up to God speaking in your life. (Even when you don't deserve it)
Well I'm off to church!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
You Can Do It!!!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Moment of Clarity
Saturday, October 22, 2011
This is Hard, a True Struggle
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Moving Forward
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Hurt People, Hurt People

Thursday, October 6, 2011
Holiness Isn't Cool
I’ve really been meditating on this phrase that my pastor brought up for a couple weeks. It’s really true. Why do we do wrong? We do wrong because holiness doesn’t really seem that cool or appealing, especially as a young adult. In Crazy Love, Chan talks about giving God leftovers. That is probably the hardest thing that I deal with right now as I try to strengthen my relationship with God. When will I give God time, when there are so many other things I need to do as well?
It’s really funny because when we like someone, we want them to call us and text us and spend time with us, and MAKE TIME for us in their lives. I suppose that’s what God is doing all the time. He’s watching us go about our daily lives and wondering if we will ever “check-in” with him periodically throughout the day. God doesn’t want JUST the good morning text or good night text, He wants a real conversation. He wants us to really care about Him and His good works.
I’ll admit that God has been getting some good night texts from me. I’m struggling with really integrating (and I’m sure God would hate that word since He should be the priority) God into my life. Chan mentions how we like to compare and pick and choose what we will give up for God. He writes as someone speaking to God, “You see I really like my car, or my little sin habit, or my money, and I’m not really sure I want to give them up, even if it means I get You.” I feel that way all the time! I like going out to parties with my friends! So I have to give up parties to have a complete relationship with God??? That right there is probably why a lot of people who aren’t Christians or who aren’t in the Church see Christians as hypocrites. A lot of non-Christians would probably be more apt to become Christians if they saw the Christians in their life actually do right.
Remember though, holiness isn't cool.How can I as a young adult have fun, but please God at the same time? I need some ideas!!!! I want to be on the right path and I want to have a better relationship with God… but gee whiz it sure is a struggle! It’s time to hype the holy!
Here is a link to my pastor’s sermon: Revival on 'H' Street; Pastor Ronald Crawford, New Vision Church, Bowie, Maryland. (You can start around the 11 minute mark) On a few parts of the video he has the church listening to the Bible and you can't hear that. Sorry for that technicality, but its a great sermon!
With Love,
Monday, October 3, 2011
Where Do I Start??
It’s really easy to say that I am going to dedicate more of my time and life to God. The hardest part is doing it. I woke up this morning really thinking about how messed up everything is and was really upset about a situation I let myself go through. I think the worst part was that I KNEW this outcome was inevitable. God will definitely let you get hurt when you go against His will.
A few months ago I started reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan, but I really wasn’t giving it the time and effort it deserved (i.e. reading it on the Metro in the morning… yea like that’s going to work). I decided to start the book again, with my Bible in hand in a quiet place. This book is really about falling in love with God and really just becoming overwhelmed by him. After reading the first chapter [again], I really realized that God has been telling me for months to leave the old situation alone and let Him bring me a Man of God that He created just for me. He is a great enough God to make anything happen. I can take one look outside and see the beauty of this world and be convinced that God is amazing. Is having a man all I want? No, there are a lot of other things I want as well, but this blog will mostly focus on my relationship with God becoming more important than my relationships with imperfect people.
So again, it is easy to say that I will trust in God to put the right people in my life. I know how I am. I HATE being alone. I like having a guy to talk to or call or text whenever I want to. I love attention from guys. This process will definitely be hard for me because instead of acting on my own, I have to wait for God’s sign that I can let someone in my life.
The first step to spending “cuffing season” with God for me is to admit my shortcomings to God and pray that He will help me get over them. I let a lot of things happen that I am not proud of, but instead of dwelling in my mistakes and staying upset at HUMANS, I have to allow God to work through me.
So I guess I will start from there…
For your reading pleasure: Crazy Love by Francis Chan
I have decided to be 'Handcuffed' To God
Over the last few weeks, I have felt God’s nudge to me to spend more time with Him. I know he wants my attention, but I have been focused on a lot of things other than Him. Well finally, God has sent me the OBVIOUS message that it is time to let some things *AHEM* -- people go from my life and put Him first.
So I’m sure you all know its CUFFING SEASON!! If you don’t know what that is, it’s when you meet someone around October and spend time with them all winter and then when the spring comes… it either works out or it doesn’t. You just had someone to spend your lonely winter nights with and get to play the field in the spring and summer. Last year, I definitely participated in cuffing season and it didn’t lead to anything but heartache and pain.
This winter I have decided to spend cuffing season with God. I want to get to know Him better and know what He wants from me and what my purpose in life is. My prayer is that at the end of this “season” my relationship with God will work out and I will see things a lot clearer and know my worth.
I am going to be blogging periodically about my struggles and triumphs through my process of my budding relationship with God. Hopefully, writing this blog will make me more accountable for my decision and bless others who are in similar situations. I know it definitely won’t be easy, and I’m sure I will stumble at some point, but I have faith that my life will be transformed immensely.
With Love,